Welcome to the Pokemon Safari Center! We pride ourselves on providing displaced Pokemon a great home within the span of the World-Wide Web. However, we also want to make sure every aspiring trainer, webmaster, or even just Pokemon fan has access to these wonderful creatures, so this website hosts several places where you can attempt to catch your own Pokemon party as adoptables for your website! Select from one of our many buttons below, and you'll be able to search for a pokemon of your typing!

Put them on a Pokedex page on your website! Find your dream party, and put them onto your website to show your cool party of Pokemon! Make a Pokemon Ranch and let your Pokemon roam free on your website. The possibilities are endless!

None of the content on this website is affliated with GameFreak, Nintendo, or otherwise, and is fan content I offer for free :). All Pokemon Sprites are thanks to PokeAPI.


- Added a section for "submitting discoveries", where you can submit your own Fakemon! This will require a sprite, just as a forewarning. I'll open up a Fakemon Search section once we hit around 5 Fakemon!

- Thanks to a suggestion from Dreamwings on the melon land forums, ive gone and improved the embeded code for Pokemon, removing the class to allow for more customizability. (I was gonna link there post but the forums dont let me do that.)
- Fixed a bug where Fighting Type shines showed every 1 in 2 times, rather than one in 2048 times!! (This was due to me testing the system by setting the sites shiny rate to 1/2, then back to 1/2048 just to test if Shinies would spawn.) If you got one before today, consider yourself lucky bub... /j

- All typings now have shinies! Some may have missing / 3D images. While I cant fix all 3D images right away, any images that are missing I will compensate you for! Email me at Zombieman826@gmail.com, and ill custom generate you a new shiny Pokemon (This does not apply to Perchaunt. If you find a Shiny Perchaunt, you'll see why). Pokemon that are shiny have a 1/2048 chance of spawning when you click generate, so go nuts! Be careful though, as the only indicator of a shiny is visual!!

- Updated the About Page
- Added shinies for Fire, Flying, Ghost, Grass, and Ground. (So while it is easier to add shinies, it still takes a bit! Ill update here if I decide to add anymore today. But were getting there, dont worry!

- After a short break, ive come back to put shinies into the website! Each time you click the button to generate an adoptable, you'll have a 1/2048 chance to get a shiny Pokemon! You'll have to look closely if you get one, as there isnt a special sound effect for if you do! (Might add that in later.). I also found a great method for adding the shinies to each of the pages, so by the time you'll read this, all of the shinies will probably be added! Scratch that. Uh, I got busy. So far there are shinies implemented for Bug, Dark, Dragon, Electric, Fairy and Fighting types. Ill implement the rest tommorow.

- The Website is COMPLETE! After several days of toiling and some quick site UI updates, every single Pokemon Type has had their sections completed! Im going to spend some time adding songs to each of the individual typings pages, just to spice them up a little bit but as of right now, your all good to go! Catch your own party, build your Pokedex! Im excited to see what you all do!
- After offically completing the website, I went back and added music to each search area zone, as well as fixing their "Investigate somewhere else" buttons, as those buttons used to link back to the index page! They now link back to the Search Area page :P

Possible future features:
- Shinies (Done! Execpt for Perchaunt, but who cares about that guy)
- Diversify the movepool a bit
- EVs/IVs
- Music for each page (Done!)
- A guide on how to edit the Pokemon Panels
- Custom Adoptable creator (currentlly on randomized right now)
- Gender (Including Gender-varying forms)
- Alternate Forms (Origin / Region / Any other form thats not currentlly avaliable to me from PokeAPI)
- Seperate areas for Ultra Beasts, Legendaries / Mythicals
- Form for submitting Fakemon to go in their own seperate section